Find Wholeness. Live Fullness.


Transcendental Meditation

The true or eternal self, the self-existent essence or the impersonal witness-consciousness within each individual.
And as the Gods were relishing in their creation of Man, one came forth in exasperation: “we have forgotten the most crucial aspect of this journey! Behold… the secret to immortality and eternal happiness. We mustn’t make it easy for them to find. Where shall we put it?”
And the answer came forth…
“We shall put it inside them. They’ll never think to look for it there.”

Self-awareness cannot be underestimated as the source for internal contentment and true happiness. The ability to hold your own space – and hold it comfortably – offers a form of empowerment that cannot be overshadowed. It is your destiny and your dharma to discover this truth. And those who are brave enough to take the journey will continue to reap the benefits of its splendor.
Harness The Power of Your Dharma
Are you in right relationship with your power? Every individual soul incarnates with a purpose – a destiny. And you’re given the power to fulfill it. Being in right relationship with your power means having the clarity and courage to see it, hold it and channel it.
Chances are you can feel the dharmic momentum that exists inside you – just waiting for you to harness its power and take you where you’re “supposed to be.” This power is palpable and can cause strain if improperly channeled. It has a destiny all its own and your job is to integrate it in a manner that supports its momentum.

ATMA Integration Therapeutics has been designed to help you do just this by enlivening and empowering your dharma.

My ideal client is someone who:
- Has a burning desire to be in right relationship with truth, self and source.
- You probably possess more inherent power than you know how to successfully channel, resulting in anxiety, fatigue, misdirection and frustration.
- You may feel “lost” but at the same time, you know you’re not. You know there’s a purpose out there for you but you’re having trouble manifesting it.
- You’re seeking the path towards self-sovereignty, health and wholeness that can only come from following your dharma and channeling your energy where it was destined to be used.